sábado, 12 de diciembre de 2009

"Imagologues are right. A person is nothing but his image. Philosophers can tell us that it doesn´t matter what the world thinks of us, that nothing matters but what we really are. But philosophers don´t understand anything. As long as we live with other people, we are only what other people consider us to be. Thinking about how others see us and trying to make our image as attractive as possible is consedered a kind or dissembling or cheating. But does there exist another kind of direct contract between my self and their selves except through the mediation of the eyes? Can we possibly imagine love, without anxiously following our image in the mind of the beloved? When we are no longer interested in how we are seen by the person we love, it means we no longer love."

Este fue el texto de "Immortality", de Milan Kundera, que propició el divertido debate que hizo que anoche nos fueramos tarde a dormir... Os propongo que me deis vuestra opinión... o al menos que pensais en ello.
(this is the Milan Kundera text that caused a funny debate last night... Why you dont write your opinion down.... or at least think about it for a while?)

...me estoy dando cuenta, que en esta isla no hay ni espejos ni ningun sitio donde se refleje tu imagen, y que llevo dos dias sin verme... (supongo que si tengo un moco en la cara, alguien me lo diría, no? :DDDD)

7 comentarios:

  1. I've thought about it for a while. And i think we are often quite wrong with our self-evaluation. Some overestimate their strengths, while others see only the weaknesses. And apart from that: How does it see the other?

    Psychological studies show that there’s a basic human tendency to overestimate yourself. Most people tend to see themselfs the way they want to be :o) But these studies also show: Its not that bad, at least if you want to go through life happily. Its simply healthier for the mind to believe in abilities and talents - even if they dont exist in reality (e.g.: a bumblebee is physically not able to fly...but it doesnt know it and therefore it just flies :o))

    Why is it so hard to judge ourself objectively? Because we all live in our own, very special and over years developed matrix of consciousness from which we feel and act. Means: We have access to our feelings and experiences, therefore, our own behavior makes (almost) always sense for us. Be ourselves, just feels totally normal!

    And regarding on our effect on others: They live, feel and judge out of their personal matrix too. Just because the friend who just got left is annoyed about how much you constantly rave about the current infatuation, does not mean that its really too much. The others arent objective either. And if there’s no objective truth, why shouldnt we feel fine at least in our own subjective view of ourself then?

    The only important things is that the externally shown self-image is not becoming just a show or rehearsed role. Because then this person not even thinks about itself and it effects on others anymore. And that makes a person pretty uninteresting for others. Because: Somebody who is not thinking about himself, is not thinking about others too. But this is what its all about in most interpersonal relationships: to listen, to give advice, to respond, to take interest in eachother.

  2. Absolutly agree with there is no objetive truth, and with the opinion about people should feel good and be happy watching life from their own scope.
    But, from my point of view, text is even more sharp and critical... Does real love exist without an an associated image?
    Even in religion, for example in Catholisim... people loves Jesus, but thinking about him, we always have an imagen... from a picture that we like, from a movie that touched us the most...
    With your beloved... Can you think about him /her without associate with a face, and style, a way of life, that is unseparatly from the moment we are living, the place we had the luck to born, or the capitalism "non-so-invisible"hand!?
    But more that this(...that is more than criticable): Could (pure) love be separated from images? ;)

  3. Oh dear, this question leads us deep down to our foundation of thoughts and believes, i guess.
    If you think in "logical" ways, love is for sure related to your image of a person with opinions, thoughts, way and circumstances of life, sense of humour and a lot more (for some people even with outward appearance).
    But with a spiritual view on things (or at least in my spiritual view on things ;o)) there is a certain level between people, a place above the bodily life and real life identity where just two pure souls meet, circle around, merge and devine to see if they - and how they - belong to each other. This is the foundation of every relationship and yes, love is pure and separated from images there.
    Overall we maybe should keep to the idea to stop trying to explain love ... and just love! ;oD

  4. Just some thoughts of me :

    - I think that Love does exsists without an associated image. From my own experience : When I praise or pray to GOd, I never had any image of HIM in my mind. I simply duno how he looked like. It is purely a connection of spirits, of me and HIM.
    Sometimes we love someone who is not lovely.why ? cz love is beyond image.

    - what is love ? It's hard to say, but I have a guideline:
    Love is patient, love is kind.
    It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
    It is not rude, it's not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrong.
    Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It aways protect, always trust, always hope, always preseveres.
    Love never fails.
    [corinthians 13: 4-13]

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. you know what? today i have been watching Avatar(i didn´t think that i had to enjoy sooo much with it!its been a great surprise..), and thought of this debate at the end of the movie, when Neyrity, the "girl", hold the guy into her arms... with a glaze full of love and the certein that is the being that she knows and she loves...but actually, it was the first time that saw that face(and that size,and that form!)...
    but.. it is only a film!...juaaa...
    David, unfortunatly, we can not compare the day by day life with Holy Bible or the world that we would like... anyway, i am not defeating this writer!...i only want to talk about this curious point of view. I´m not so cold, je,je..

  7. Emmm.... I really wish to watch daat movie too..
    and for me.. religions only become faith when it has something to do with your daily life and the world today~
